News from the Morgue
MORTUARY "Sublime the Decline" New album still available in the shop on LP or CD.
News from the Morgue: September 2024
Hi Mortumaniacs!!! We are on stage this fall , see you at the Muscadeath festival in Vallet (44) this week end the 21st of September with Memoriam, Aborted, Voorhees, Disfuneral and many more bands.
Stay Brutal

News from the Morgue: September 2023
Hi Mortumaniacs!!! We are proud to inform you that our next album entitled " Sublime the Decline" will be released on October the 13th on Adipocere records!
Listen to "Somewher to Nowhere" the first extract!!!
Stay Brutal
News from the Morgue:June the 20
Hi Mortumaniacs!!! We are proud to inform you that we sign a deal with Adipocere Records for our next album entitled
" Sublime the Decline"! Another piece of uncompromising brutality !!
Stay Brutal

MORTUARY on Metalegion Magazine (Portugal)
News from the Morgue: May the 31
Hi Mortumaniacs!!! I f you're looking some
really interesting stuffs to read and real good
bands to discover:
Order the new Metalegion magazine issue n°6!!!
Including really cool interview from us
and tons of bands as well as a great CD sampler
with "Delete Replace" from our last effort
"the Autophagous Reign" released on Xenocorp
and also with songs from Wellicorus, Holycide, Thanatos,
and many more!
if you want to order it and support the real underground, go there https://www.metalegion.com/content/
Thanks to Ricardo for this amazing zine!!!
The french Autophagous tour started in January!!!
Hi Mortumaniacs !!
Our new album is now in many heads and has destroyed some ears for sure. Not deaf yet? In this beginning of 2020, it was the start of our french autophagous tour and you know what? First dates in January were totaly a blast. We rode through our lovely country to meet you. We found you. You were everywhere, following us on every dates, giving us the strenght to be more brutal on stage every night. It had been such a long time we dream about this tour. Metal family is so lovely and faithful!!! In every gigs, some tons of smile , passion exchange, headbanging, stage diving!! We are so grateful to all of you, you know. But even if we speak about the past right now, this tour is not ended, that's sure. Last week, we played in Metz with the almighty Death Metal U.S gods Malevolent Creation and the french legendary Agressor. Next week and next months, we are on the road again. Many shows to be announced here, don't miss us and see you there. Thanks for your eternal support. Without you, we are nothing!
Keep smiling and stay Brutal!!
The Mortuary